Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vintage Hollywood Hypnosis The Art of Thought Reading | eBay

Vintage Hollywood Hypnosis The Art of Thought Reading | eBay

1 comment:

Terry the Censor said...

Thanks for the tip. Looks like a fun book; I've put it on my wish list.

There is a lot of debate in the Hill case if media images of aliens influenced their testimony. I think ufology and skeptics have missed the boat: where did the Hills get their unscientific notions about hypnosis and memory? Betty was thinking about hypnosis years before she met Dr. Simon (she says so in her 1961 letter to Keyhoe).

Looking into the case, I see there were many depictions of hypnosis and recovered memories in movies and in the print media. Bridey Murphy (a non-fiction book and movie in 1956), Lizzie (1957 fictional movie) and Three
Faces of Eve (1957 non-fiction book and movie) come to mind, plus all the media writeups on the two cases.

Betty's notion of hypnosis and perfect recall didn't come from Dr. Simon. Well, from where then? So far, I have found no record of anyone asking Betty about this -- no one even seemed curious.